10 HVAC Problems Every Homeowner Should Know! Don't Let These Issues Drain Your Wallet.
Your home or business relies on the HVAC system to keep you comfortable and safe throughout the year. If your system is getting old or having problems, you might be spending a lot more on energy bills and experience mold or a pest infestation.
Even with a split system, which could last as long as 15 years with proper maintenance, you can still have issues. There are many factors that can affect the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system.
Anytime there’s something wrong with your air conditioning or heating systems, you need a professional for the best results. Keep reading for 10 common HVAC problems, or give Infinite HVAC Services a call today!
The Unit Won’t Turn On
One of the most typical issues with an air conditioner or heater is that it won’t come on. It could be due to a number of power-related problems, like:
- Tripped breaker
- Improper or old wiring
- Blown fuses
- The battery is dead or malfunctioning
- The motors don’t work properly
We’ll do a thorough inspection to check the reason your HVAC unit won’t turn on. If it’s not caused by a power issue, it could be a simple or expensive fix. Let us know how we can help when you call us now!
Weak Air Circulation
If the air coming out of your vent has low pressure, it could be caused by a number of issues. In many cases, preventative maintenance can avoid common reasons such as:
- Air filters are dirty and need changed
- The outside unit has dirt or debris clogging it
- Dirt or other particles are obstructing your blower fan
Refrigerant is Low or Leaking
When your home or business uses a split system, it’s important to have refrigerant. It needs to go from the indoor and outdoor units for effective heat transfer. If your unit doesn’t have enough refrigerant or it’s leaking, this can reduce efficiency. Common causes for a refrigerant leak are:
- Poor installation
- Improper maintenance or repairs
- Corrosion
- Natural wear over time
- Components stop working
Our trained technicians at Infinite HVAC Services will make sure everything’s done properly with your air conditioner, heater, and plumbing. We offer professional installation, repairs, replacements, and maintenance when you need it, so give us a call today!
Drain Lines are Clogged
It’s normal for your air conditioner to leave condensation, because it means less humidity in your home or business. The process of dehumidification will gather moisture in the drip pan under your evaporator coils.
Unfortunately, any clogs in the process can cause water to back up and become stagnant. This can lead to water damage, mold growth, algae, or pest infestations. To get started with an inspection of your systems, call Infinite HVAC Services a call now!
Warm Air Blows With the AC On
There are a number of reasons you might experience warm air blowing when it should be cold. It could be something as simple as your heating system being on by accident. It might also be the automatic setting on your unit’s fan or a faulty thermostat.
The thermostat acting up is more expected in older houses. This can cause your unit to put out warm air. An upgraded or smart thermostat can increase efficiency and make better use of your air conditioning. If it’s none of the above, you could have:
- Leaking refrigerant
- Dirty coils
- Dirt or debris clogging up the HVAC system
Condenser Coils Need Cleaned
The condenser coils are responsible for sending heat outside from the interior of your home or business. These coils can easily collect dust, debris, or dirt. Any build-up of contaminants on your condenser coils can cause:
- Poor performance
- Higher energy costs
- Rodents or pests
- Harmful pollutants in your air supply
Evaporator Coils are Frozen
Similar to the purpose of condenser coils, evaporator coils pull heat from the air in your home or business. If the coils get too cold, though, they can start to freeze and fail. Frozen coils can cause a lot of strain on your unit or cause it to break down completely.
Frozen evaporator coils can be caused by a number of issues. It could be cold weather outside, refrigerant leaking, or poor air circulation. Whether you need an inspection or additional HVAC services, call our expert.
Bad Blower
The blower in your HVAC system transfers air throughout your home and ducts. The motors that power your blower can begin to malfunction over time, though. One cause is letting your blower motors degrade without proper maintenance. Some signs that your blower needs serviced are:
- Banging or grinding sounds
- A burning smell from the ducts
- Visible electrical burning
It’s very difficult to repair or replace the motor in your blower without professional assistance, which is what we’re here for. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!
Increased Energy Costs
It’s typical to have higher energy bills in the hottest or coldest months, but they can also mean HVAC system problems. Before you jump to conclusions, check the bills against the previous year to see if there’s a big jump.
If the bills are higher without an outside cause, your HVAC system could need our services. While it could be a dirty filter, it could also be something worse. To get peace of mind, schedule regular maintenance by calling us now!
Short Cycling System
In most cases, your air conditioner should cool a space in around fifteen minutes. If the system only runs for a few minutes, though, it could be short cycling. This is when your system starts and stops constantly, which can run up energy bills. The most common reasons for this issue are circulation problems that cause overheating or a smaller space to cool.
Keep in mind that the ten common causes for HVAC issues above aren’t exclusive. While they’re more common than other problems, your system could be going through a lot of other variables or damages.
The best option to prevent major issues with anything from your air conditioner to your water heaters is to get routine professional maintenance. Schedule your inspection with Infinite HVAC Services today when you give us a call!